Digital Harbour, your peer-group in the offshore industry

Step into a collaborative environment created by peers for peers and transcend geographical boundaries. Imagine a digital port where subject matter experts from different corners of the globe converge to share insights, collaborate on projects, and navigate the complexities of the offshore marine industry together.

Join the Waitlist
a decorative image of the world using shapes and lines to present the interconnection of people worldwide.


hand holding a heart

Access to insights !

Harness the power of collective wisdom, create transparency, while elevating your projects, and set sail for unparalleled success. Become a leading subject matter expert in your field !

a lightbulb switched on, that represents an idea

Be proactive !

While your competitors wait passively for things to happen, you are taking ownership with your future career. With technologies being develop faster than ever in today's society your are quickly left behind. We will organise your collective feedback to identify suitable clients for you.

A dollar sign to represent income

Take back control !

We are not an agency and we will never be one. Our goal is to empower and augment your decision making process. This is based on the knowledge we share and the tools we provide. We want to bring back transparency to you.

A dollar sign to represent income

Talk to Experts !

Our goal is to make your questions heard in this network and provide you access to your peer group. you will find all your questions covered, such as:

  • Start a career as a consultant in this field
  • Change of your career
  • Level up your team leadership skills
  • Business admin support
  • New Technologies

Collaborate with us !

Photo by  Austin Distel on Unsplash
  • SVG that shows a tick mark

    Send us a brief introduction about yourself in less than 5 minutes. Tell us how you will contribute to this community.

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    For this space to truly shine, we will review your introduction and get in touch with you in order to custom tailor to your needs.

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    Make yourself visible, find and build a peer group, for you to learn and expand your horizon. Network with people that are making an impact.

Innovate, Automate, Elevate

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    Innovation is the wind in our sails, automation is our compass, and elevation is our destination. Join us at the forefront of offshore consulting, where every tool is designed to lead you confidently towards excellence.

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    We here to support you to understand new technology and how it can provide you benefit and safe you time and energy.

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    We will offer streamlined processes, and intuitive tools, allowing you to navigate the complex waters of offshore projects, while we take care of the rest.

Photo by  Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Unlocking Insights, Fostering Transparency

Photo by  Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
  • SVG that showas

    Adapt your pricing by having clear insights into industry standards and compare to yourself to competitors.

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    Build with us a comprehensive system to compare against agencies and companies. Future consultants can gain clarity and make an impactful decisions based on historic reputation markers.

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    Insights published on the platform will be reviewed by peers and correlated against existing data.

Our Values at Hydro Hire Offshore

Transparency Matters

Transparency is not just a value; it's a cornerstone of our platform. From pricing insights to agency ratings, we believe in fostering an ecosystem where clarity leads to success.

Innovation at the Core

We embrace modern technologies, offering a suite of solutions that streamline workflows, automate tasks, and propel consultants towards unparalleled efficiency.

Industry Insight

With over a decade of industry experience we are now at point where aim with our platform to built on a deep understanding of industry intricacies and evolving trends.

Our Vision

We envision a future where offshore consultants thrive in a landscape of transparency, innovation, and strategic collaboration. We strive to redefine the consultancy experience by providing tools that not only automate processes but also illuminate insights, ensuring our community stays ahead of the game.

Whether you're a seasoned consultant looking to expand your network or a company seeking reliable partnerships. Join us on this journey where every wave of innovation and every charted insight propels you towards success in the offshore marine industry.

About the Founder and What is next!

About me

Hi👋, I am Kris and I am passionate about creating things, automation and using new technologies. I started to share and exchange knowledge and experiences with my colleagues and friend. This gave me access to an incredible amount of new understandings and learning.

People know me as a highly experienced professional within the marine industries, specialised in hydrography and project coordination. With over a decade of experience, I developed a multitude of expertise in the hydrographic environment all the way from acquisition to management.

Overall, I enjoy problem-solving, effective team coordination, and I am committed to deliver a high-quality product.

As the founder of Hydro Hire, I further want to challenge and expand my innovative approach & entrepreneurship.

What's next ?

The next step 🎯 for me is to make this available to an even wider audience. This is the reason why I finally step into the public and want start this journey with you.

My vision is to build peer groups for everyone who loves sharing knowledge and learn from other people's experiences🤘.

Those who can't be bothered to read,
check out the video below instead!

Testimonials 🙌🏽

"Kris is a beacon of knowledge, transforming complex problems into manageable tasks. His unique presentation style makes learning engaging, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing. His commitment to excellence and effective communication makes him an invaluable asset to any team."
A profile Image

Kristoffer Stoddart

Join and connect to your peers. 👍🏼

We are just getting started and want to offer the first users to experience and build this with us. Therefore, we invite you to join us today, become a free member and distinguish yourself from the rest.

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    Get invited to Networking Events

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    Get access to your peers knowledge

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    Identify your next professional steps

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    Level up your career🚀🚀🚀

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ ?

  • What Makes This Platform Unique for Marine Engineers?

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    Our platform is specifically designed for the marine engineering community, offering a unique blend of resources that cater to the distinct challenges and opportunities in this field. Unlike general engineering networks, we focus on the marine sector, ensuring that every discussion, resource, and networking opportunity is highly relevant to your professional needs. Our features include:

    Specialized Forums: Discuss marine-specific engineering problems and innovations.

    Industry Expert Talks: Regular webinars and Q&A sessions with leading figures in marine engineering.

    Collaborative Projects: Opportunities to join or initiate projects that address real-world marine engineering challenges.

  • How Can I Benefit from Joining This Network?

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    Joining our network opens a multitude of opportunities for professional growth and collaboration. Members benefit from:

    Networking: Connect with peers and experts globally, expanding your professional circle.

    Mentorship: Gain guidance from experienced engineers and offer mentorship to newcomers in the field.

    Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest industry trends, research, and technologies through our curated content.

  • Is There a Cost to Join?

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    Our community is open to all levels of professionals in the marine engineering field, from students to seasoned experts. All we ask is a commitment to active participation and a passion for the marine engineering sector. We offer both free and premium memberships: 

    The free membership gives you access to basic features like forum participation and some webinars. This will always stay free of charge as this is part of our values and commitment to the marine industry.

    The premium membership (not yet available), unlocks exclusive content, in-depth workshops, and personalized mentorship programs.

  • What Kind of Support Can I Expect as a Member?

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    As a member, you're never alone in your professional journey. You can expect:

    Career Advancement: Job listings, career advice, and resume-building workshops specifically for marine engineers.

    Community Support: A supportive environment for discussing challenges and celebrating successes. Our community forums and mentorship programs are designed to offer both professional and peer support.

  • How Can I Contribute to the Community Knowledge OCEAN?

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    Every drop into the OCEAN of shared expertise are invaluable to the richness of our community. OCEAN stands for:

    Opportunity: Highlighting the vast opportunities for growth, networking, and professional development available to marine engineers on the platform.

    Collaboration: Emphasizing the importance of teamwork, joint projects, and shared expertise in the field of marine engineering.

    Expertise: Showcasing the depth of knowledge and specialized skills that members can both contribute to and gain from the platform.

    Advancement: Focusing on the continuous professional and personal advancement that is facilitated through the resources, discussions, and mentorship available on the platform.

    Networking: Underlining the platform's role in building a strong, supportive, and global network of marine engineering professionals.